Monday 24 January 2011

Results from the Questionnaire

Question one - 'What do you expect from a horror film?'
We had many different answers however the general idea was to be scared and unsettled.
These are some of the answers from the question-'supernatural incidents' , 'Sense of suprise', 'Gore and death'

Question two-'In your opinion how important is the sound in a horror film?'
All answers had strong opinions of the sound being very important to the film.
'Very important as it creates the appropiate atmosphere and mood for the film', 'Very, it helps build a creepy atmosphere', 'Music is very important as is builds suspense and puts you on edge'
This questions was extremely helpful to us as we will make sure sound is a huge part of our opening two minutes.

Question three-'What type of charachters do you expect from a horror film?'
Most of the questionaires were given out to teens so the answers may reflect that however we gave a couple out to adults to help balance the results consequentley ensuring the answers were more reliable.
'Young, normally teenagers and attractive'. 'Girls that are vunerable and helpless', 'Innocent looking girls', 'Dark, mysterious middle aged man'.

Question 4- ' What props do you find most effective in a horror film?'
' Knives, sharp objects', 'A closet or basement', 'Body parts', 'Blood'
As we will be using a knife as our muder weapon the question helped to clarify that this was a good idea.

Question 5- 'Do you prefer a fast-paced opening or slow, suspense building opening?'
Interestingly all the boys said a fast paced opening so they don't get bored however the girls said a slow suspense opening to create tension. This question was useful as we wanted to get an idea of what the viewers expect from the opening two minutes.

Question 6- 'Do you notice the font of the opening credits?'
' Yes the font always helps to contribute to the horror theme', 'Sometimes, depends how they are shown', 'Not usually'.
These answers helped us to decide that our opening credits will be effective with the names in red to relate to the horror theme.

Question 7- 'What setting do you want to see when you are watching a horror film? (Circle where appropiate)
There were 5 possible answers- Abandoned house, School, Party, Woods, Hospital.
Most people circled abandoned house and woods. We were pleased with the result as we will be filming in alley ways but also in a house.

Overall our questionaire was extremley helpful as it helped clarify what props to use but also to know the expectations of viewers when they are watching a horror film.


This is the questionaire our group made so our film had the features the audience enjoy in a typical horror film.
We asked questions with a open answer so readers were able to decide for themseleves rather than ask multiple choice questions where they could only answer percifically. We are going to be giving out the questionaires soon and will report back with the feedback by making a pie chart.


1. What do you expect from a horror film?

2. In your opinion, how important is the sound to a horror film?

3. What type of characters do you expect from a horror film?

4. What props do you find most effective in a horror film?

5. Do you prefer a fast-paced opening or a slow, suspense building opening?

6. Do you notice the font of the opening credits?

7. What setting do you most likely see when you are watching a horror film? ( circle where appropriate)


Name for our film

We have decided to call our film 'Paranoid'. We feel that this is a good name becuase of the way that Emma acts within the film is paranoia. Emma thinks that someone is out there to get her, while her boyfriend - Ben and her sister - Bel, just think that she is being paranoid. We felt that this fits in nicely with the film and have decided on calling our film Paranoid. This title also gives the audience some sort of idea as to what the film may have instore to them. The film title 'paranoid' also fits into the horror cliche.

Moodboard - The scene

This is a moodboard for setting the scene of the house. The pictures show that this film is going to be a horror by the spooky atmosphere of the house, with cobwebs and it being set at night to create the effect of a horror film. The shadow of a man creeping around gives the impression that he isn't meant to be there and something unexpected and out of the ordianry is going to happen. This moodboard represents our scene becuase of the spooky looking nature.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Setting the scene

We have decided to film at Katie's house because of the location where it is set. As the house has an alley way by it it's a good place to set the scene for the killer George to start off. Down an alley way which people would be frightened to use when its dark.
We will be setting the scene at night so it gives that spooky feel to the film and makes it more easier to then become a horror.

Main character - Emma

These images are used to represent Emma's gender. The girly side to her and that she is a normal girl who enjoys these things and seems vunerable as to why someone is trying to kill her.

Mood board - Killer

These images represent the killer - George. These 'props' are all which George will be wearing. for example George being a killer will be dressed in black so the balck gloves will cover his hands and the black balaclarva will be hiding his face so no one can see who he is which makes the scene more tense and people warey as the don't know who the killer is and why he is striking this particualr house. The knife represents what george will be using against the main character Emma. A knife will make the film then become a horror.

Monday 17 January 2011


This is a questionnaire which we shall be giving out to people aged 15-25 so the results will help us when filming. For example we will know what is the best liked genre, what type of film and how its filmed etc.