Sunday 3 April 2011

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have chosen Emma's character from our opening product as Emma is the main character. There are many similarities and differences between Emma and other similar characters in real film products. I have chosen a similar character that I would base Emma's character on, this actress would be Shannon Sossamon who plays the main girl in One Missed Call.
The two characters are similar in the way that they are both displayed in similar causual clothing e.g carigan, top, trackies/pjamma bottoms and that they both wear a little amount of make-up to show their vulnerablity. This gives the idea that both characters like to be comfy in what they are wearing when they are lounging around the house which represents the type of character they are. Also, by making both of the characters wear femine clothing, this implies to the audience that they are not masculine and are not stereotypically strong. However, they are vulnerable

Both characters play the victims in each of the films, they are both similarly portrayed as being the vulnerable, innoncent, and scared victimn characters who show emotion which is stereotypical to how most main vulnerable girl characters in this type of genre are portrayed.
A character I have chosen to look at which is similar and different to the killer in my own film is Michael Myers, there are many similarities and differences between the two characters.

 The appearance of both characters are similar in ways but also different. The clothing that both characters are wearing tries to hide and cover up themselves, for instance Sarah who plays the killer in our own film wears a balaclava and Michael in Halloween wears a mask and they both wear gloves to cover up their finger prints. The killer in my own film is dressed in stereotypical black whereas Michael is wearing bright colourful clothing, which suggests that both characters are, scary and frightful but in different ways of how they are presented.

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