Monday 18 October 2010

Prom Night

Prom Night

  • The opening scene of Prom Night uses features in the film which we will be using in ours. The girly night in then being ruined by horror is one feature in which we will be using to make a horror effect.

  • Where the opening scene is set is what we will be using in our film. Having a laugh at home and generally being vulnerable girls which then builds up the tension that this film could somehow be turned into a nightmare for the teenage girls.

  • The age of the teenage girls set in this film will be similar to our film aged around seventeen.

  • The stereotyping that the 'bad things always happen to the quiet ones, or girls who never expect it' is what is happening throughout this film. The girls would never expect something like this to happen to them and that will be the same in our film.

  • While our film is being set at home having a night in with friends, it never crosses the girls minds that they something out of the ordinary might be about to happen.

  • The shots in the film help to show the vulnerability of the girls with the close up shots when something is about to happen and the establishing shot to show that something out of the ordinary is about to happen. In our film the establishing shot showing the house shows that something isn't quite right. The over the shoulder shot over the girls shoulder while she's opening the door will then be showing what is outside and then a shot from the murders point of view will be glancing right back at the girl to build up the tension by showing how close he really is and why is he picking on these venerable girls?
  • There will be a lot of shot reverse shot, mid shots and high angle shots as the girls will be talking and just generally having a laugh while the high angle shots will bring tension to the film.

  • The sounds from the film will be fairly similar because as the girls are scarded there's a lot of screaming and non-diagetic sounds such as the murders breathing over the girls voices etc. Also non-diagetic sounds such as music and the television while diagetic sounds such as talking.

  • sound bridges will also be used in our film to create and build tension throught.

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