Thursday 4 November 2010

Sorority Row - opening sequence

Our group will be using similar opening scenes as in this first scene. The girl's start off normal on a girly night pulling practical jokes but then gradually realise something bad is happening. This is stereotypical for a horror movie as it's often used to build tension and suspense, making you want to watch more.

The age of the girls in this film will be similar to the age we will use in our film so the audience will be teenagers. The purpose is to scare and the clip shows this by the certain camera movements, costumes and mis-en-scene. We will be using these features after watching more horror films so we can keep our targeted audience wanting to keep on watching.

Close-ups are used to show the emotion on the girls and boy's face when the 'prank' is happening. The faces and synchronous sounds of the keyboard and car help to build the tension seeing as the audience know that the girls are faking it but the boy doesn't. 
Long shots are often used so it looks like someone is watching what is happening which is a feature our group will be using as it also helps to build tension. It gives the sense that although they do not know they are being watched they most likely are.

The establishing shot showing the park is stereotypical with horror films as it shows anything could happen, in the middle of nowhere, were you least expect someone or something to be watching you.
Murders in films are fairly fast paced, just like in this clip, to create a feeling which the audience should feel, it also keeps the audience interested.

The costumes present the girls in an attractive way consequently appealing to the male audience. The lighting is mostly dark throughout reflecting the horror. There are some light scenes at the start of the movie but it only gets darker, just what you expect from a horror film. Most of the murders happen at night which is stereotypical in horror films.

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