Monday 29 November 2010

Research and Planning - Photos

In one of our media lessons our group decided who was going to do what. Katie was assigned the task of taking the photos, Emma was completing the storyboard and I was thinking about the music we could use behind the film and also costume ideas.
Katie took the photos in locations up her road. Some of the photos were just objects however she edited the pictures to give them a 'darker ' look. Katie then took a picture of a gate but made it black and white so the effect was more powerful. Another example is the picture of the letter box with eyes peeping through which was edited so the picture was red therefore implying danger.
The pictures are just ideas for where we might locate the film, we may end up not using particular locations however it was good to have a idea of what we could possibly use. We will deffinately be filming in the night for our short film similar to the photos taken.

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