Thursday 18 November 2010

Characters, Setting and Plot

From planning our film so far we have now come up with the characters, setting and plot.

Main girl - Emma
Main boy - Ambrose 'Ben' (Emma's boyfriend)
Girl - Bel
The killer - George

Inside of Katie's house. Emma and 'Ben' starting off upstairs. After the kitchen and lounge are the main are used. The killer 'George' will be mainly focused on outside.

Ben and Emma havinga night in, phone keeps ringing and nobody seems to be on the end of the phone. Phone keeps and keeps on ringing. suddenly the doorbell goes. Emma is too scared to answer the door so Ben does and to their relief it's only Emma's sister. Phone keeps ringing afterwards and then the doorbell rings once. Everyone's getting scared and confused and then a letter drops through the letter box. Emma locks up teh house and peeks out of the letter box so nobody can get her. The killer Georges' eyes then appear through the hole of the letter box.

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