Thursday 18 November 2010

Breif plot of summary

The group and I have now thought about our plot for our film, this is brief bullet pointing just to get an overview and to then edit it in more depth.

- The begginin of the plot starts off with with Emma and Ben asleep. They then both wake up from hearing the phone constantly ringing. Emma is confused as to who would be ringing at half midnight.
- Emma then gets up to get the phone downstairs as the phone won't stop ringing.
- Emma gets downstairs to find that nobody is on the other end of the phone.
- The shot then cuts to the killer who is over the road, on the bridge, showing that he is the man who is calling Emma.
- The phone keeps ringing and then the doorbell goes. At this point Ben comes downstairs to see what all the fuss is about.
- Emma is too scared to answer the door as she thinks something freaky is going on.
- The camera then cuts to the killer who is shown to be on the phone to Emma.
- Ben then answers the door to find its Emma's sister coming in from a night out but Emma is confused as to why she's home as Bel was meant to be staying at a friends.
- The phone then rings again while all three of them are sitting in the lounge. Ben thinks Emma's going crazy and just needs some sleep so Bel and Ben go into the kicthen to make a cup of tea before bed.
- The phone then keeps ringing again, this time when Emma answers it there is heavy breathing down the phone and Emma is now getting more confused, worried and agitated.
- The doorbell then rings again and Emma opens it to look out but nobody is there.
- Bel and Ben come back from the kitchen and Emma tells Bel to check all the doors are locked and and curtains are shut so nobody can see in.
- At this point Ben and Bel never heard the doorbell ring so they think Emma is going mad and don't understand as to why she's saying to Bel to shut the curtains.
- They all sit down in the lounge thave a drink before they go back to bed.
- They then all hear tapping coming from the front door. Something then drops through the letter box.
- They all go and have a look and Emma opens it, its a picture of her with a red cross over her face with the writing saying 'It's you'.
- At this point they are all getting worried and then Emma locks the front door up to the top.
- Ben then says look through the letter box because nobody is going out.
- Next Emma looks out of the letter box and the killers eyes appear and say 'Hello Emma'.
- This is then ended on a cliff hang

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