Thursday 17 February 2011

Filming - Friday 18th

Filming for Friday 18th February has been cancelled because Emma is unwell. As it's half term next week we will be filming throughout the week which will make up for not filming on Friday.

Filming - Friday 11th

On Friday 11th February we filmed from about 2 o'clock untill 5. We mainly filmed the first few scenes. We couldn't film the outside scene though because the camera wasn't charged. Filming the first few scenes was good and it went well as it was just light enough outside that it didn't look as if we were filming in the middle of the day. Next we will be filming on Friday 18th February

Monday 14 February 2011

Change of storyline

My group and I have decided to change our story line, as we felt that our previous sotry line wasn't believable and wasn't looking like a horror film. This encouraged us to think about changing the way in which the stories portrayed. 

We have decided to exclude Ben (Ambrose) and Bel as too many people in the house didn't make the horror genre realistic. We have decided to keep the killer (George) as he fits the build of a stereotypical killer, Emma will also still keep the main leeding role of the vulnrable teenage girl. We hope this will improve our footage and provide us with a believable story.

The new story line consists of; Emma asleep in the bedroom but then she hears noises and becomes weary and frightned. Emma will walk into the bathroom and splash her face with water, she will look up and see there is a death threat on the bathroom mirror (Emma SCREAMS). The camera circles the whole room to show that there is no killer to be seen. The killer will then appear in the bathroom behind Emma. Emma will then run back into the bedroom, the killer then chases after Emma holding a knife to her. Emma will scream and wake up, realising that it was a dream. 

Saturday 12 February 2011

Audience Profiling

I have looked further into audience profiling for horror, and I have looked into when horror films are most likely to be released at the cinema. Horror films are most likely to be released during november through to october, during the halloween period. This is a good time for horror films to be released, as more people are likely to go to the cinema to watch a horror filming at halloween. All types of film genres have different times during the year when they are released for instance, halloween is a time for horror films to be released, christmas is a time for christmas films to be released and valentine is a time for romantic comedy's to be released. Depending on what time of year it is, depends on when a film is released, and depending on which genre the film is.

  • Halloween was released in October 1978 however, there has been a remake of the film that was released in august 2007.

  • Elf was released in November 2003, which was just in time for christmas.

  • Valentines Day was released in February 2010

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Audience Profiling


Halloween: H20
45+ 3%DE33%

  • The second film survey I have researched into is the film Halloween. From what we can see from this survey, it shows that the audience for this film is aimed towards the male audience ages 15-24. Considering that most of the actors in the film are males are portrayed as being stereotypical, strong and violent.

  • Overall, the research I have found out shows that my film will be targeted to the male audience aged 15-24, however, my group and I feel that our film will be aimed to the female audience too by the way that the characters are portrayed and shown. 
  • The certificate of our film will be 15, as from the research I have found it shows that our film will not be suitable for the age 15 and under, by the use of violence and tense dramatic scenes in the film.

First filming

Our group filmed the first scene last friday however, the filming wasn't entirely successfull. 
This was due to the camera not having a nightmode. We had planned to do the night scenes in pitchblack however, still make sure the charachters were seen. We thought the darkness would meet the expectations of the audience as a conventional horror film is normally in the dark. We have decided to film the scenes again this friday but change the way in which we show the killer in the darkness.
Although the camera has set us back in our filming schedule we will be making the time up in the up coming weeks and hopefully filming will be more successfull.