Tuesday 1 February 2011

Audience Profiling


Halloween: H20
45+ 3%DE33%

  • The second film survey I have researched into is the film Halloween. From what we can see from this survey, it shows that the audience for this film is aimed towards the male audience ages 15-24. Considering that most of the actors in the film are males are portrayed as being stereotypical, strong and violent.

  • Overall, the research I have found out shows that my film will be targeted to the male audience aged 15-24, however, my group and I feel that our film will be aimed to the female audience too by the way that the characters are portrayed and shown. 
  • The certificate of our film will be 15, as from the research I have found it shows that our film will not be suitable for the age 15 and under, by the use of violence and tense dramatic scenes in the film.

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