Sunday 27 March 2011

Editing our film

My group and I have started to progress on more with our editing. Today in our media lesson, we added titles to our film such as, 'Working Title Presents', 'ESK Productions', 'Directed By Katie Coombs', 'Starring Sarah Barnes, Emma Pennington'. Also in today's media lesson, I added effects and transitions between each shot, which is to make the film run smoothly and to make it look effective, rather than each scene looking unrealistic and cutting. My group and I had previously chosen to have the name of the film 'Paranoid' appear after the establishing shot right at the beginning of the film, but we have chosen to show it right at the end of the film as it looks a lot more effective. The font for the writing that we have chosen is OCRA Std and we have chosen to use this font throughout the film to keep it continuously, effective and realistic.

My group and I have had trouble trying to use the media converter, which I am using to convert my 'Working Title Logo', which will allow me to use the logo in Adobe for my opening credits. I am hoping to  resolve this situation in my next media lesson.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Opening Credits

This is the working title logo, which will be appering at the beggining of our film. We all found this on youtube and all decided that this was the best one to use! This working title logo is nine seconds long and should fit in, but we can always cut the credits if our film is close to over two minutes long

Editing on Adobe

My group and I have now started to edit the footage that we have filmed for the opening two minutes of our scene. We have now finished filming the whole of our film and will focus on editing our footage, using music, lighting and text to add.

The software we are using is Adobe, so far we have edited half of our film. The film so far doesn't look as good as we expected, mainly because of the story line change and the lighting. Our film is meant to be set at night but because of the camera not having a light it was hard to see in the dark. We have now filmed in the day but edited our film to black and white to make the night look look effective.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Opening Credits

  • My group and I have chosen our opening credits.
  • We have chosen a black background and red writing for the credits.
  • The red writing will slowy transform onto the black back ground which will appear after the establishing shot of the house.
  • The credits will include, the names of the directors and producers, actors and music of the film and the credits will only be on screen for less than 6 seconds.
  • We have chosen to use a black background with red writing, as we feel that this will look effective as the red writing will stand out big and bold to capture the audiences eye and so the audience notice who the directors, producers and actors are etc.
  • We have also chosen the colours black and red so we keep to the same colour theme throughout the film.
  • Red and black are good contrasting colours, red gives off a death and edgie vibe and black fits in well with the dark mysterious mood.
  • There will be non - diegetic music added to the credits to make it look and sound effective and realistic.

Here I have attached the opening credits of Sority Row, which is similar to how my own title and credits are going to look, however, I will have red writing not white as I think red and black contrast better together for representing a horror film. My writing for the title and credits will be a bit bigger and more bold to stand out, which will make the title eye catching to the audience. 

Music and Soundtracks

Here I have found free non - copyright music, that we would be able to play in our opening two minutes of our film.

Here are the tracks that I have found usefull and will consider using a few of these tracks to suit our atmosphere and mood that we want to create;

Mystery Killer
Forbidden Land
Dark Deeds
Car full of spiders
Fear Factor 

Finalised name for our film

My group and I have decided on the finalised name for the film and have chosen to go with 'Paranoid'! We feel that the name Paranoid represents the whole film, as our film is all about being paranoid. The title of the film gives the audience an idea as to what the film may be about, and also fits into the horror film cliche. 

Animatic Storyboard

Currently we are in the process of making our animatic storyboard. It has been very difficult as we had started one, however, we were unable to open it once it was saved meaning we had to start again.
We have now started again, it has proved harder to make the storyboard than we thought it would be.
The animatic storyboard consists of all the pictures we drew that resembles the scenes we will be shooting.
We may alter the scenes we had originally drew on the storyboard, however the storyline and script will stay the same.

Character representation

I have thought of charachters that are similar to the actors in our film. These are characters that play similar roles, i.e killer, hero.

 Ben ( Hero/Good guy)

 Emma (Victim)

 Bel (Sister/Friend)

 Bayman (Killer)

Props for the scenes

My group and I are starting to plan further into the research and planning, I have created a rough draft as to what we need to prepare and bring onto each scene. By including these props it will make our film look believable and realistic. 

  • We have decided to use a knife that the killer will have on him and will get out of his pocket, when he is walking from the alley way to the house. We have chosen to use a knife as it is a stereotypical prop that is used in most horror films. It is the prop that is used when the killer is wanting to kill someone or is used as the victims weapon as a defense. The knife will provide tension therfore making themaware that the killer is dangerous and harmful!


  • The props that will be used in the house/bedroom will already be found in the bedroom and outside, this is because the setting is set in the house. For example, the types of props that will be used in the house and bedroom is the bed, where Ben and Emma will be sleeping and its the first shot of the characters. One of the main props that will be used is thehouse phone, this is used throughout the film. 


  • One other prop that will be used is the death threat, I have taken the role of making the death threat, I will make this by getting a picture of Emma(me) and putting a cross over Emma's face and writing your next in red paint over the picture.

Audience Profiling

Paranormal Activity

45+ 3%DE14%

As I can see from the figures the target audience is age 15-24 males and females with only 2% between them. 
This makes the film extremely successful as it brings in all types of audiences ensuring high viewing figures.
With only 3% of the overall 100% 45+ do not seem to enjoy the horror genre. 
This may be a common recurrence with this age range when watching horror films therefore we have aimed our film at age 25 and below.
As our film is aimed at both genders the audience profile of Paranormal Activity was very useful.
From my own experience of watching the film the sound and music was very effective and so was the home video aspect of the film. These features may have helped contribute to the success of the film therefore we will be including lots of sound and music.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Filming - Friday 9th

- On Friday my group and I filmed half of our new story line, and found that it worked a lot better than the previous story line. The new story line looks more realistic and targets the genre that we are trying to make. 

- The props that are used are similar to the previous however, we no longer need the phone. The new props that we have decided to use are flannel, which Emma uses to wash her face with. We have also decided that we are no longer going to be needing George as the killer, as Sarah is going to step in and take the role. 

- My group and I will next be filming on Friday 11th, whereby we will be filming the last scenes. Next week my group and I will start on the editing for our film.

Friday 4 March 2011

Animatic film

This is our animatic. The storyline is the same, although we have now excluded the phone ringing with the change of our storyline.