Sunday 27 March 2011

Editing our film

My group and I have started to progress on more with our editing. Today in our media lesson, we added titles to our film such as, 'Working Title Presents', 'ESK Productions', 'Directed By Katie Coombs', 'Starring Sarah Barnes, Emma Pennington'. Also in today's media lesson, I added effects and transitions between each shot, which is to make the film run smoothly and to make it look effective, rather than each scene looking unrealistic and cutting. My group and I had previously chosen to have the name of the film 'Paranoid' appear after the establishing shot right at the beginning of the film, but we have chosen to show it right at the end of the film as it looks a lot more effective. The font for the writing that we have chosen is OCRA Std and we have chosen to use this font throughout the film to keep it continuously, effective and realistic.

My group and I have had trouble trying to use the media converter, which I am using to convert my 'Working Title Logo', which will allow me to use the logo in Adobe for my opening credits. I am hoping to  resolve this situation in my next media lesson.

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